Thursday, July 23, 2020

Thursday, July 23, 2020, Economics: Day 24

First hour of google meet 
Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT
  • analyze the locations of resources and evaluate the significance of these locations. 
  • explain the concepts of absolute and comparative advantage and apply the concept of comparative advantage to explain why and how countries trade.
  • analyze the impact of U.S. imports and exports on the United States and its trading partners.
  • describe the effects of trade on employment.
Warm Up 10 minutes: Please create a supply and demand curve identifying where a shortage and surplus may occur because of a price ceiling and price floor.
Stocks 10 minutes: Students buy and sell stocks
Reading 20 minutes: Debating Current Issues:  A Strong Dollar p. 498-499 #1-4
Lecture 20 minutes: Chapter 18 Economic Development and Transition
Independent Work 
Assessment 25 minutes:  Ch. 18.2 #1-9 p. 483
Assessment 25 minutes: Ch. 18.3 #1-7 p. 488
Creating a Budget 30 minutes: Students will create a Budget
  1. Job- based off of current qualifications 
  2. Place to live
  3. Transportation/gas/maintenance 
  4. Food
  5. Insurance- car, rental, and health
  6. cellphone
  7. internet/cable 
  8. clothes
  9. entertainment 
  10. savings 
  11. other
Personal Finance Handbook 40 minutes: Please select three of the following and answer questions: p. 504-531
  • Opening and Managing a Checking Account
  • Saving and Investing 
  • Financial Institutions and Services
  • Credit and Debt 
  • Paying for Education
  • Buying a car 
  • Renting an apartment 
  • Buying Insurance
  • Getting a Job
  • Paying Taxes
Second hour of google meet 
Review 25 minutes: Macroeconomics
  1. Scarcity and the Factors of Production
  2. Opportunity Cost 
  3. Production Possibilities Curve
  4. Durable/Nondurable Goods
  5. Services
  6. tariffs/Imports/Exports 
  7. The Free Market
  8. Benefits of Free Enterprise
  9. Law of Demand/ Law of Supply
  10. Equilibrium Price
  11. Perfect Competition 
  12. Business Organizations
  13. Different types of Labor/ Unemployment 
  14. Stock Market 
  15. GDP
  16. Business Cycle 
  17. Inflation/Stagflation/hyperinflation 
  18. What are taxes 
  19. Fiscal Policy 
  20. Federal Reserve System and ways it regulates money supply and the economy 
  21. law of comparative advantage 
  22. Free Trade
  23. Exchange Rate
  24. Macro/Micro Economics 
Final 30 minutes: Students take and finish final
Teacher Evaluation 15 minutes:  Students evaluate teacher: survey

Monday, July 20, 2020

Tuesday, July 21, 2020, Economics: Day 22

First hour of google meet 
Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT
  • describe the federal budget.
  • analyze fiscal policy.
  • present on the federal reserve.
  • analyze the stock market.
Stock Market Project 25 minutes: Students have time buy/trade stock.
Debating Current Issues 15 minutes: Tax Credit p. 412-413 #1-4
Research 20 minutes:  Federal and State Spending
  1. Find State and Federal Spending for the past ten years. 
  2. Please note what areas each spends on Mandatory and Discretionary Spending
  3. What areas did you see change the most? What reasons might contribute to this change?
  4. Anything surprise you about the charts?
Lecture 20 minutes:  Ch. 16 The Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy
Independent Work
Poem 25 minutes:  Fiscal Policy in American History p. 400-401
  1. Based of of these three sections- World War II, The Kennedy Administration, Supply-Side Policies in the 1980s- create, write, and perform a song or poem 
Presentations 30 minutes:  Student create and present topics (Description and significance)
  • Regulating the Banking System
  • Regulating the Money Supply
  • Money Creation 
  • Reserve Requirements 
  • Discount Rate
  • Open Market Operations 
  • How Monetary Policy Works 
  • The Problem of Timing 
  • Policy Lags 
Assessment 25 minutes: Ch. 18.1 #1-5
Second hour google meet 
Sharing 15 minutes: Presentations 
Study Guide 25 minutes:  Students have time to review study guide
Test 30 minutes: MidTerm #2
Closing 5 minutes:  Review Objectives

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Monday and Wednesday, July 20 & 22, 2020, Economics: Day 21 & 23

Please complete all assignments before July 23, 2020 when class meets.
Book: O'Sullivan and Sheffrin. Economics: Principles in Action. Prentice Hall

Chapter 15 Fiscal Policy Assessment: p. 410-411 #1-23  Key Terms, Using Graphic Organizers, Reviewing Main Ideas, Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving Activity, Skills for Life.
Chapter 16 The Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy Assessment: p. 436-437  #1-22 Key Terms, Using Graphic Organizers, Reviewing Main Ideas, Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving Activity, Skills for Life.
Chapter 17 International Trade Assessment: p. 466-467  #1- 20 Key Terms, Using Graphic Organizers, Reviewing Main Ideas, Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving Activity, Skills for Life.
Case Study:  p. 409 Will Social Security Survive?, p. 435 Banking, Monetary Policy, and the Great Depression. p. 465 NAFTA: Is Free Trade a Good Idea
Study Guide
  1. Corporation
  2. conglomerate
  3. sole proprietorship
  4. vertical/ horizontal merger
  5. limited partnership
  6. nonprofit organization
  7. Labor Force
  8. productivity
  9. equilibrium wage
  10. semi-skilled labor
  11. skilled labor
  12. professional labor
  13. glass ceiling
  14. labor union
  15. strike
  16. right-to-work law
  17. collective bargaining
  18. white/blue collar worker
  19. arbitration
  20. Characteristics of money
  21. Uses of Money
  22. Sources of money
  23. History of banking
  24. Investment 
  25. Financial System
  26. Mutual Fund
  27. Diversification
  28. Portfolio 
  29. prospectus 
  30. return 
  31. maturity 
  32. yield 
  33. savings bond
  34. municipal bond
  35. Securities Exchange Commission 
  36. junk bond
  37. capital/money/primary/secondary markets
  38. share
  39. capital gains/loss
  40. stock exchange 
  41. speculation
  42. bull/bear market
  43. NASDAQ/DOW/S&P 500
  44. GDP
  45. Business Cycle
  46. Types of Unemployment  

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Thursday, July 16, 2020, Economics: Day 20

First hour of Google Meet 
Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and attendance
Objectives: SWBAT
  • describe Gross Domestic Product
  • analyze Economic Challenges
  • describe taxes and government spending
Warm Up 15 minutes: Students share work on the history of Banking in the U.S. trade and buy stock

Lecture 20 minutes: 

  1. Goods/Services, GDP, Aggregate Demand and Supply, Business Cycle
  2.  Ch. 14 Taxes and Government Spending
  3. Macroeconomic Equilibrium 

Key Terms 10 minutes: p. 310-316 Define and significance
  1. Recession
  2. Depression
  3. stagflation 
  4. leading indicators
Graphing 20 minutes:  Students graph their own business cycle, and Aggregate Supply and Demand. Students identify three durable and nondurable goods and three services. 
Independent Work 
Assessment 25 minutes: Chapter 12.3 p. 324 #1-6
Activity 25 minutes: Business Plan

  • How much money will you need to start your business?
  • How many workers? What will be the responsibilities of each? 
  • How much production do you expect from each new worker added? 
  • How will you be able to determine how to price your good or service? 
  • How much will your fixed/variable costs be?
  • How many goods or services will you have to sell a month to make it a profit?

Key Terms 20 minutes: Define and Significance
  1. Inflation
  2. purchasing power
  3. price index
  4. Consumer Price Index
  5. market basket
  6. inflation rate
  7. hyperinflation
  8. wage-price spiral
  9. fixed income
  10. deflation
Assessment 20 minutes: Ch. 13.3 Poverty p. 350 #1-7
Assessment 30 minutes: Ch. 14 Taxes and Government Spending #1-21 p. 382-383
Second hour of Google Meet 
4 Square Activity 25 minutes: Describe, Significance, Draw p. 331-333
  1. Frictional Unemployment
  2. Seasonal Unemployment
  3. Structural Unemployment
  4. Cyclical Unemployment
Case Study 10 minutes: Unemployment in a Booming Economy p. 351
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Tuesday, July 14, 2020, Economics: Day 18

First hour of Google Meet 
Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT
  • Describe the three uses of money
  • explain the six characteristics of money
  • understand the sources of money's value
  • describe shifts between centralized and decentralized banking before the Civil War.
  • explain how the banking system was stabilized in the later 1800s.
  • describe developments in banking during the twentieth century.
  • understand banking today.
  • analyze and understand financial markets
  • describe and understand GDP
Warm Up 15 minutes: Students prepare their homework to go over with the instructor.
Study Guide 15 minutes: Students have time to review study guide
Lecture 15 minutes: Theory of Production & Money 
Activity 25 minutes: Students analyze the six characteristics of money p. 245-246 : Durability, Divisibility, Portability, Uniformity, Limited Supply, Acceptability
  • Design your own currency and present to the class. 
Writing 35 minutes: Students create a kids story about the history of banking in America p. 250-256: American Banking Before the Civil War, Late 1800s, Banking in the Early Twentieth Century, Banking in the Later Twentieth Century 
  • Title 
  • Illustrations 
  • Seven Pages 
Key Terms 30 minutes: Describe and significance p. 271-283
  1. Investment 
  2. Financial System
  3. Mutual Fund
  4. Diversification
  5. Portfolio 
  6. prospectus 
  7. return 
  8. maturity 
  9. yield 
  10. savings bond
  11. municipal bond
  12. Securities Exchange Commission 
  13. junk bond
  14. capital/money/primary/secondary markets
  15. share
  16. capital gains/loss
  17. stock exchange 
  18. speculation
  19. bull/bear market
  20. NASDAQ/DOW/S&P 500
Research 25 minutes: Students can buy/trade/ research stock.
Assessment 25 minutes: Chapter 12.3 Gross Domestic Product and Growth p. 324 #1-6 
Second hour of Google Meet 
Graphing 20 minutes:  Students graph their own business cycle, and Aggregate Supply and Demand. Students identify three durable and nondurable goods and three services.  p. 310-316
Key Terms 10 minutes: Define and significance
  1. Recession
  2. Depression
  3. stagflation 
  4. leading indicators 
Test 20 minutes: Students get started on Economics Midterm.
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Monday and Wednesday, July 13 & 15, 2020: Day 17 & 19

Please complete assignments 1&2 before July 14, 2020 when class meets.

Book: O'Sullivan and Sheffrin. Economics: Principles in Action. Prentice Hall
  1. Chapter 8 Assessment: Business Organizations p. 206-207 Key Terms, Using Graphic Organizers, Reviewing Main Ideas, Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving Activity, Skills for Life.
  2. Chapter 9 Assessment: Labor p. 236-237 Key Terms, Using Graphic Organizers, Reviewing Main Ideas, Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving Activity, Skills for Life.
  3. Chapter 10 Assessment: Money and Banking p. 266-267  Key Terms, Using Graphic Organizers, Reviewing Main Ideas, Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving Activity, Skills for Life.
  4. Case Studies: Business and Ethics p. 205, Americans Improve Their Working Conditions p. 235, Big Banks and Small p. 265
Study Guide
  1. need/want
  2. Economics
  3. goods/services
  4. scarcity
  5. factors of Production: Land, Labor, Capital
  6. Entrepreneur
  7. Guns or Butter/ Trade-Offs
  8. Opportunity Cost
  9. Production of Possibilities Frontier
  10. Standard of Living
  11. Market/ Command/Mixed Economies
  12. specialization
  13. profit
  14. Self-interest
  15. competition
  16. Invisible Hand
  17. profit motive
  18. voluntary exchange
  19. macro/micro economics
  20. GDP
  21. business cycle
  22. externality
  23. Demand- Law, schedule, curve, why it shifts
  24. Supply- Law, schedule, curve, why it shifts
  25. Price- Equilibrium, excess/shortage, ceiling/floor
  26. Fixed, Variable, Total, Marginal cost
  27. Perfect Competition v. Monopolistic Competitions and Oligopoly

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Thursday, July 9, 2020, Economics: Day 16

First hour Google Meet 
Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT
  • describe supply and demand
  • interpret supply and demand.
  • determine price based off of supply and demand.
  • identify different market structures.
Warm Up 15 minutes: Please define the following in your own words: p. 101-106
  1. Supply
  2. law of supply
  3. quantity supplied
  4. supply schedule
  5. variable
  6. market supply schedule
  7. supply curve
  8. market supply curve
  9. elasticity supply
Lecture 15 minutes: Teacher talks about supply schedule and curve & Change in Supply
Activity 20 minutes: Students create a supply schedule. Using supply schedule, students create a supply curve.
Activity 15 minutes: Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
Independent Work 
4-Square Activity 25 minutes: p. 111-112 Fixed Costs, Variable Costs, Total Cost, Marginal Cost
  1. Describe
  2. Significance
  3. Draw/Illustrate
Activity 20 minutes: Please create a supply curve for each and show what kind of shift would occur to supply in each of the following scenarios:
  1. Effect of Rising Costs
  2. Technology
  3. Subsidies
  4. Taxes
  5. Regulation
  6. Future Expectations of Prices
  7. Number of Suppliers
Key Terms 20 minutes: Please define in your own words: p. 125-131
  1. equilibrium
  2. disequilibrium
  3. excess demand
  4. excess supply
  5. price ceiling
  6. price floor
  7. rent control
  8. minimum wage
Presentations 35 minutes: Perfect Competition p. 151, Monopoly p. 156, Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
  1. Using Objectives and the beginning of the section create a presentation for classmates using google slides.
Second hour of Google Meet 
Cost of Production Simulation 15 minutes: Students finish cost of production chart. "Diminishing Margin of Return. p. 109
Lecture 15 minutes: Teacher instructs students on Supply and Demand Curve
  • Equilibrium
  • Price Floor
  • Price Ceiling 
Graphing 10 minutes: Students graph the following  
  • Equilibrium
  • Price Floor
  • Price Ceiling
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Tuesday, July 7, 2020, Economics: Day 14

First hour of Google Meet 
Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT
  • explain the law of demand.
  • understand how the substitution effect and the income effect influence decisions.
  • create a demand schedule for an individual and a market.
  • interpret a demand graph using demand schedules. 
  • create and interpret supply schedule and curve.
  • indentify the cost of production.
Warm Up 10 minutes: What is meant by the phrase, "there is no such thing as a free lunch?" TINSTAAFL
Review 15 minutes: Students review Ch.1 of their homework with the instructor.
Graphing 15 minutes: Guns or butter (students copy in notes), Production Possibilities Curve (students make their own)p. 15. Trade-Offs (students come up with three examples of trade-offs)p.8
Review 15 minutes: Students review Ch.2 of their homework with the instructor.
Independent Work 
Simulation 30 minutes: Students will design an economic system. p. 48-49 #1-4
Key Terms 20 minutes: Please put the following into your own words p. 79-88
  1. demand 
  2. law of demand
  3. substitution effect
  4. income effect
  5. demand schedule 
  6. market demand schedule
  7. demand curve.
Key Terms 10 minutes:  Define: Normal Good, Inferior Good, Complements, Substitutes p.86-88
  1. Define
  2. Come up with three examples for each. 
Assessment 25 minutes:  Ch. 4.3 p. 96 #1-7 
Simulation 30 minutes:  Entrepreneur Project
  1. Type of Business
  2. Good or Service 
  3. Land/ Labor/ Capital 
Key Terms 20 minutes: Please put the following into your own words p. 101-107
  1. Supply
  2. law of supply
  3. quantity supplied
  4. supply schedule
  5. variable 
  6. market supply schedule
  7. supply curve
  8. market supply curve
  9. elasticity supply 
Second hour Google Meet 
Lecture 20 minutes:  Shifts of the Demand Curve 
Activity 20 minutes:  Students create a demand schedule. Using the demand schedule, students will create a demand curve. Identify three examples of a shift in the demand curve and reasons for the shift.
Cost of Production 15 minutes:  Students do cost of production simulation. p. 109
Lecture 20 minutes:  Shifts of the Supply Curve 
Activity 20 minutes: Students create a supply schedule and curve. Identify three examples of a shift in the demand curve and reasons for the shift.
Stock Market Project 
Closing 5 minutes: Survey 

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Monday and Wednesday, July 6 & 8, 2020, Economics: Day 13 & 15

Please complete assignments #1-2 before July 9, 2019 when class meets.
Book: O'Sullivan and Sheffrin. Economics: Principles in Action. Prentice Hall
  1. Chapter 1 Assessment: What is Economics? p. 20-21 Key Terms #1-7, Using Graphic Organizers #8, Reviewing Main Ideas #9-12, Critical Thinking #13-15, Problem-Solving Activity #16, Skills for Life #17-21.
  2. Chapter 2 Assessment: Economic Systems p. 46-47 Key Terms #1-6, Using Graphic Organizers #7, Reviewing Main Ideas #8-11, Critical Thinking #12-14, Problem-Solving Activity, #15 Skills for Life #16-20.
  3. Chapter 3 Assessment: American p. 72-73 Key Terms #1-7, Using Graphic Organizers #8, Reviewing Main Ideas #9-12, Critical Thinking #13-15, Problem-Solving Activity, #16 Skills for Life #17-19.
  4. Three Current Event Articles related to Economics- Summarize 
  5. Case Study Questions: Safety at Any Cost?p. 19/ Russia in Crisis p.39/ Government and the Interstate High Way System p.71

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Thursday, July 2, 2020, U.S. Government: Day 12

Google meet first hour Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT describe the judicial branch of government
Warm Up 10 minutes: Based off of what you know so far, what does the Supreme Court do?
Lecture 20 minutes: Civil Liberties: First Amendment Freedoms
Lecture 20 minutes: Due Process 
Independent work 
Assessment 30 minutes: Ch. 18 Review p. 482-483 Matching, True or False, Word Relationships, Main Ideas.
Assessment 30 minutes: Ch. 20 Civil Liberties Protecting Individual Freedoms Review p. 542-543 Matching #1-5, True or False #1-6, Word Relationships #1-3, Main Ideas #1-14.
Research 25 minutes: p.764-770 Supreme Court Cases
  1. Pick Three
  2. Summarize their decision
  3. Identify how this changed precedent or maintained precedent.
  4. Find Majority and Minority Opinion
Google meet second hour 
Lecture 20 minutes: Civil Rights: Equal Justice Under Law
Study guide 25 minutes: Students prepare for final
Summarize Learning 10 minutes: Students write about the what they've learned about American Government.
Final 30 minutes: Students take Final

Monday, June 29, 2020

Tuesday, June 29, 2020, U.S. Government: Day 10

First hour google meet
Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT understand
  • the basic role of the judiciary in the governmental process.
  • the structure and function of the constitutional courts in the federal court system.
  • the role of the Supreme Court as the nation's highest court, and the significance of judicial review.
  • the role and jurisdiction of the special courts in the federal court system.
  • the relationship between liberty and government. 
  • the importance of religious freedom in the U.S.
  • the scope and limits on free speech and free press.
  • the relationship between individual liberties and national security.
  • the limits on the freedoms of assembly to petition.
Warm up 10 minutes: The Supreme Court 
Time Line 20 minutes: p. 440-446 Using a time line, identify ten different events in the last 170 years, describe what they are and give the philosophy/ or foreign policy the United States was trying to carryout in each event.
Lecture 20 minutes: Judicial Branch & Civil Liberties: First Amendment Freedoms
Independent Work
Reading 10 minutes: Should School Officials Have the Right to Search Your Property? p.467
Reading 10 minutes: Can Public Schools Ban Political Protests? p. 498
Study Guide 20 minutes: Students have time to prepare for test.
Assessment 30 minutes: Ch. 18 The Federal Court System Review p. 482-483 Matching #1-5, True or False #1-4, Word Relationships #1-3, Main Ideas #1-13
Partners 25 minutes:  Students create and present summaries on different first amendment freedoms.

  1. The Unalienable Rights p. 485-489
  2. Freedom of Religion p. 490-497
  3. Freedom of Speech and the Press p. 499-505 
  4. Freedom of Expression and National Security p. 506-508
  5. Freedom of Assembly and Petition p. 508-511
Second hour of google meet
Lecture 15 minutes: Due Process 
Partners 25 minutes:  Students create and present summaries on different first amendment freedoms.

  1. The Unalienable Rights p. 485-489
  2. Freedom of Religion p. 490-497
  3. Freedom of Speech and the Press p. 499-505 
  4. Freedom of Expression and National Security p. 506-508
  5. Freedom of Assembly and Petition p. 508-511

Quiz 30 minutes: Students take and complete quiz.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Monday & Wednesday, June 29 & July 1, 2020, U.S. Government

Please complete all work by Thursday, July 2, 2020

Ch. 24 Review p. 660-661 Matching #1-5, True or False #1-5, Word Relationships #1-4, Main Ideas #1-13
Ch. 25 Review p. 684-685 Matching #1-5, True or False #1-5, Word Relationships #1-5, Main Ideas #1-15
Study Guide
  1. Roles of the President
  2. electoral college
  3. presidential primary
  4. platform
  5. executive order
  6. executive agreement
  7. federal budget
  8. amnesty
  9. bureaucracy
  10. independent agencies
  11. spoils system/ patronage
  12. deficit/public debt/entitlement
  13. Isolationism
  14. foreign policy
  15. ambassador
  16. passport
  17. visa
  18. diplomatic immunity
  19. draft
  20. collective security
  21. deterrence
  22. containment
  23. foreign aid
  24. UN Security Council
  25. jurisdiction(exclusive/concurrent/original/appellate)
  26. plaintiff/ defendant
  27. writ of certiorari
  28. majority/dissenting opinion
  29. Due Process/ Establishment/ Free Exercise Clause
  30. libel/slander
  31. Picketing/ espionage/ sabotage/treason/sedition
  32. writ of habeas corpus
  33. indictment
  34. grand jury
  35. double jeopardy
  36. naturalization
  37. segregation
  38. affirmative action
  39. denaturalization/ expatriation
  40. refugee
  41. deportation
  42. initiative/ referendum/reform
  43. pardon/commute/reprieve/parole
  44. taxes (sales/regressive/income/progressive/property/estate)
  45. laws (common/ civil/criminal)
  46. Precedent
  47. Appellate Jurisdiction

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Thursday, June 25, 2020, U.S. Government: Day 8

First hour Google Meet 
Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT understand
  • the historic and ongoing debate over the scope of presidential power.
  • the nature and extent of the executive power of the President.
  • the President's diplomatic and military powers.
  • the President's legislative and judicial powers.
  • the functions of the executive agencies and the role of the cabinet.
  • the need for and growth of the federal bureaucracy.
  • the organization and functions of the executive departments and the independent agencies.
  • the development of federal civil service.
  • How the Federal Government raises money.
  • Borrowing as a source of government revenue
  • How the Federal Government spends money and the complex process o9f preparing the federal budget.
Warm Up 10 minutes: p. 376 #1-2 What Does It Take To Be a Great President?
Current Event Watch 15 minutes: Using the Chart on p. 383. Scan news reports from last week, looking for references to organizations shown on the chart. Highlight or check each organization that is referred to in a news report.
Key Terms 15 minutes: Define and Significance
  1. bureaucracy p.381
  2. bureaucrat p. 381
  3. administration p. 382
  4. independent agencies p. 388
  5. quasi-legislative p. 391
  6. quasi-judicial p. 391
  7. spoils system p. 395
  8. patronage p. 396
  9. registers p. 398
Reading 5 minutes: p. 404-405 Financing the Federal Government
Discussion 10 minutes: p. 415 #1-3 Should the Government Subsidize Private School Education? 
Independent Work
Presentation 25 minutes: Read Section and complete presentation: The Power to Tax p. 405-407, Current Federal Taxes p. 407-411, Taxing for Non-revenue Purposes p. 411, Nontax Revenues p. 412, Borrowing p. 412-413, The Public Debt p. 413-414, Federal Spending p. 416-418, The Federal Budget p. 418-419.
  1. Summarize section on a slide.
  2. Provide a picture on each slide
  3. On the last slide describe what you learned.

Assessment 20 minutes: Ch. 17 Foreign Policy and National Defense Review p. 456-457 Main Ideas #1-17 
Analysis 20 minutes: Find as many federal budgets from 2010-2019. After looking at these charts, identify all areas the Federal Government spends money, where it is spent the most and least, are there things you would change?
Key Terms 20 minutes: Define and Significance p. 424-455
  1. Isolationism
  2. foreign policy
  3. ambassador
  4. passport
  5. visa
  6. diplomatic immunity
  7. draft
  8. collective security
  9. deterrence
  10. containment
  11. foreign aid
  12. UN Security Council
Second Hour Google Meet 
Time Line 20 minutes: p. 440-446 Using a time line, identify ten different events in the last 170 years, describe what they are and give the philosophy/ or foreign policy the United States was trying to carryout in each event.
Unit Test 25 minutes: U.S. Government Summer Midterm

Monday, June 22, 2020

Tuesday, June 23, 2020, U.S. Government: Day 6

First hour google meet 
Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT understand
  • the interrelated roles of the presidency.
  • the process of presidential succession.
  • the roles of primaries, caucuses, and conventions as parts of the nominating process.
  • how the national conventions operate.
  • the presidential campaign and the role of the electoral college.
  • the historic and ongoing debate over the scope of presidential power.
  • the nature and extent of the executive power of the President.
  • the President's diplomatic and military powers.
  • the President's legislative and judicial powers.
  • the functions of executive agencies and the role of the cabinet.
  • the need for and growth of the federal bureaucracy.
  • the organization and functions of the executive departments and the independent agencies.
  • the development of the federal civil service.
Critical Thinking 10 minutes: Please describe the problems with the electoral college and why some people might say it is unfair?
Study Guide Review 20 minutes: Students review study guide with teacher.
Groups 10 minutes: Characteristics of who you would pick to help you run the country.
Reading 5 minutes: p.322 Should the President's Executive Privilege Be Absolute?
Lecture 20 minutes: The Executive Branch.
Independent Work
Assessment 35 minutes: Ch. 13 The Presidency Review p. 350-351 Matching #1-7, True or False #1-5, Word Relationships #1-4, Main Ideas #1-12
Research 20 minutes: Identify all the heads of the President's cabinets and what they do.
Activity 25 minutes: p. 370-372  Please describe what each of the following does in the executive office.

  1. The Office of Management and Budget 
  2. The National Security Council
  3. National Homeland Security Council
  4. Council of Economic Advisers,

Assessment 35 minutes: Ch. 14 The Presidency in Action Review p. 378-379 Matching #1-5, True or False #1-4, World Relationships #1-4, Main Ideas #1-15
Second hour google meet 
Lecture 15 minutes: Cabinet Members, and Executive Office.
Quiz 20 minutes: Students take Summer Government Quiz 
Biography on President 30 minutes: Students create a biography on a president of their choice
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives

Monday and Wednesday, June 22 & 24, 2020, United States Government: Day 5 & 7

All work is to be completed and turned in at the beginning of class on Thursday, June 25, 2020.
  1. Ch. 22 Review: p. 602-603 Matching #1-5, True or False #1-5, Word Relationships #1-4, Main Ideas #1-16
  2. Ch. 23 Review: p. 626-627 Matching #1-5, True or False #1-5, Word Relationships #1-5, Main Ideas #1-12
  3. Study Guide: Define and describe each
    1. Government
    2. Public Policies
    3. state
    4. sovereign and popular sovereignty
    5. federal government
    6. democracy (direct and representative)
    7. Limited Government
    8. Representative Government
    9. Article of the Confederation
    10. bicameral
    11. constitution
    12. Federalist
    13. Anti-Federalist
    14. Connecticut and Three-Fifths Compromise
    15. rule of law
    16. separation of powers
    17. checks and balances
    18. judicial review
    19. federalism
    20. amendment
    21. Bill of Rights
    22. Matching powers (Expressed, Implied, Inherent, Reserved, Exclusive, and Concurrent)
    23. political party
    24. two-party system
    25. consensus
    26. electorate
    27. suffrage
    28. poll tax
    29. gerrymandering
    30. independents
    31. Electoral College
    32. Nomination
    33. general election
    34. caucus
    35. primary
    36. Mandate
    37. public opinion
    38. interest group
    39. sound bite
    40. mass media
    41. lobbying
    42. propaganda
    43. grassroots
    44. Congress
    45. leadership in Congress p. 287
    46. How a Bill becomes a law p.305
    47. constituents
    48. session/term
    49. necessary and proper clause
    50. Powers of Congress
    51. Speaker of the House/ President of the Senate
    52. party caucus
    53. whip
    54. filibuster
    55. cloture
    56. veto
    57. bill
  4. Test to be taken on Thursday during our first google meet hour 

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Friday, June 19, 2020, U.S. Government: Day 4

First hour of google meet 
Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance

Objectives: SWBAT
  • Describe the importance of public opinion
  • understand the role that mass media has on impacting public opinion.
  • identify the role of special interest groups
  • describe the roles of the legislative branch.
Warm up 15 minutes: p. 228 Distinguishing Fact from Opinion
  • Summarize 
Define 15 minutes: p. 182 Key Terms and Vocabulary
  1. Nomination
  2. general election
  3. caucus 
  4. direct primary
  5. coattail effect  
  6. precinct 
  7. polling place 
  8. ballot
  9. political action committee 
Activity 15 minutes: Research Candidates Social Media Footprint and identify the public image they are trying to create. Pick out five qualities about themselves you think they want voters to know based off of their social media posts.
  1. Donald J. Trump (five characteristic/ qualities with evidence)
  2. Joe Biden (five characteristic/ qualities with evidence)
Independent Work 
Chapter 9 review 35 minutes: p. 230-231 Matching #1-5, True or False #1-4, Word Relationships #1-4, Main Ideas #1-11
Activity 30 minutes: Special Interest Group Activity- Imagine that you work for an interest group. Write a memo explaining how your group can influence public opinion. 
Ch. 10 Review 35 minutes: p. 256-257 Matching #1-5, True or False #1-5, Word Relationships #1-3, Main Ideas #1-12
Second hour google meet 
Lecture 20 minutes: Congress
Charting 25 minutes: Create a chart for the Legislative Branch
  1. How many houses of congress?
  2. How many representative in each house? What is this based on?
  3. What are the requirements to be eligible to become a representative in each of those houses?
  4. What are the terms limits in each house?
  5. What are the powers of the legislative branch of government?
Lecture 20 minutes: How a bill becomes a law
Video 5 minutes: How a bill becomes a law
Charting 20 minutes: Students read chart illustrating how a bill becomes a law p. 305
Extra Credit Assignment
Please identify the following elected officials, their political party, and how long they have been in office. Then pick one to write to and compose an email and send it. Show me the receipt of send or share letter/email
  • Mayor
  • Governor
  • Representative
  • Senators

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Thursday, June 18, 2020, U.S. Government: Day 3

First hour google meet 
Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT understand
  • the history of voting rights in the United States.
  • the diversity of voter qualifications among the States.
  • the necessity for and effects of civil rights laws on suffrage.
  • voter turnout and nonvoting in American elections.
  • the factors that affect the way people vote
  • the methods by which candidates are nominated to run for public office.
  • the conduct of elections in the United States.
  • the place of money and regulation of its use in the electoral process
  • public opinion and its role in American politics.
  • the means by which opinions are expressed and measured.
  • the impact of the mass media on politics
  • the nature of interest groups and their role in politics.
  • the several types of interest groups.
  • the means used by interests groups to influence publi8c opinion and public policy.
Warm up 10 minutes: Review answers to Ch. 5 #10-16
Define 20 minutes:
  1. suffrage
  2. electorate
  3. poll tax
  4. gerrymandering
  5. political socialization
  6. party identification
  7. straight ticket voting 
  8. split ticket voting 
  9. independents
Independent Work 
Research 30 minutes: Using the internet, research how voting rights have been expanded and limited since the founding of the United States.
  1. Create a time line showing at least 10 dates of significance regarding voting rights
    Chapter 7 Review 35 minutes: p.182-183 Matching, True/False, Word Relationships, Main Ideas
    Define 15 minutes:
    1. public opinion
    2. mandate
    3. interest group
    4. public opinion poll
    5. straw vote
    6. mass media
    7. sound bite
    Second hour google meet 
    Reading 20 minutes: p. 184-187 What is public opinion?  p. 206 The Value of the Free Press
    Lecture 20 minutes: Electoral Process
    Movie 90 minutes: Anytown, U.S.A.
    1. Identify five different reasons voters said they would vote for a particular candidate.
    2. Identify three things you did not know about the campaigning process.
    3. Identify five ways people participate in their local election.

    Tuesday, June 16, 2020

    Wednesday, June 17, 2020, U.S. Government: Day 2

    First hour Google Meet 
    Into 5 minutes: Objectives, Standards, Attendance, Agenda, and Pledge of Allegiance.
    Objectives: SWBAT
    • identify and describe ideas about the government and what its responsibilities are to its citizens.
    • describe an American citizen's responsibility to the government. 
    • understand nature and functions of parties in American politics.
    • understand the reasons for the existence of the American two-party system
    • analyze the structure and composition of the two major parties.
    • describe history of voting rights in America.
    • identify factors that effect the way people vote.
    • describe the methods candidate run for office.
    • describe money in politics. 
    Warm Up 10 minutes: What's in a name? Write down three things you learned yesterday or come up with questions about yesterday's lesson.
    Create/Share 20 minutes: Bill of Rights 736-738
    1. Summarize each amendment
    2. Rank from 1 to 10 which Rights you think are the most important.
    3. Students make their own Bill of Rights.
    Lecture 20 minutes: Federalism
    Independent work
    Chapter 4 Review 35 minutes: p.94-95 Matching, and Main Ideas
    Project 35: Planing a Nation. Provide Rationale
    1. Name
    2. Flag
    3. Economic System
    4. Government
    5. Laws x10
    Chapter 5 Review 35 minutes: p.126-127  Matching, True/False, Word Relationships, Main Ideas
    Political Party Quiz 25 minutes: isidewith
    1. Which political party or candidate do you side with the most? least?
    2. How do you feel about your results? Expected? Surprising? Explain.
    3. How do you results compare to others? 
    Second hour Google Meet 
    Review Independent Work 20 minutes: Teacher reviews work with students
    Analysis 20 minutes: Republican Platform and Democratic Platform
    1. Based on platforms, identify five public policy issues each party seems to be focused 
    2. Are there any similarities or differences between the two platforms? If so, what are they?
    Reading 10 minutes: p. 152 The Dangers of Voter Apathy p. 1-2
    Define 20 minutes:
    1. suffrage
    2. electorate
    3. poll tax
    4. gerrymandering
    5. political socialization
    6. party identification
    7. straight ticket voting 
    8. split ticket voting 
    9. independents

    Monday, June 15, 2020

    Tuesday, June 16, 2020, U.S. Government: Day 1

    First hour google meet 
    Into 5 minutes: Objectives, Standards, Attendance, Agenda, and Pledge of Allegiance.
    Objectives: SWBAT
    • identify and describe ideas about the government and what its responsibilities are to its citizens.
    • describe an American citizen's responsibility to the government. 
    Warm Up 15 minutes: What's in a name?
    Lecture 20 minutes: Who Am I?,  Course Syllabus, Course Expectations and Requirements, and school expectations. Syllabus Slides 
    Practice Test 15 minutes: U.S Citizenship Test 
    Groups 20 minutes:
    • What is government?
    • What are the responsibilities of the government?
    • What are your responsibilities as a citizen of the United States?
    Independent Work 
    Chapter 1 Review 30 minutes p. 22-23 Vocabulary and Key Terms, Main Ideas, Critical Thinking
    Analysis 25 minutes: Declaration of Independence Reading   p. 720-723
    • Summarize each section. 
    • List ten ideas that you like and provide rationale. 
    • How does it inform your knowledge of what were the main interests of the colonists?
    • Does it seem persuading? Why? Why not?
    Analyzing 25 minutes: The Constitution p.724-742
    1. Who, What, When, Where, and Why
    2. How many articles make up the Constitution?
    3. What does each article Address?
    4. What are the three branches of government?
    5. What are their responsibilities?
    6. How many amendments are there? Can they be changed?
    7. What are the first ten amendments referred to as?
    8. What is the only amendment to be repealed?
    9. Which amendment outlaws slavery?
    10. Which amendment gave women the right to vote?
    Chapter 2 Review 30 minutes:  p. 52-53 Vocabulary and Key Terms, Main Ideas, Critical Thinking
    Second hour google meet 
    Create 20 minutes: Bill of Rights 736-738
    1. Rank from 1 to 10 which Rights you think are the most important.
    2. Students make their own Bill of Rights.
    Interpreting 15 minutes: Find and identify the rights being violated in this picture.