Thursday, July 2, 2020

Monday and Wednesday, July 6 & 8, 2020, Economics: Day 13 & 15

Please complete assignments #1-2 before July 9, 2019 when class meets.
Book: O'Sullivan and Sheffrin. Economics: Principles in Action. Prentice Hall
  1. Chapter 1 Assessment: What is Economics? p. 20-21 Key Terms #1-7, Using Graphic Organizers #8, Reviewing Main Ideas #9-12, Critical Thinking #13-15, Problem-Solving Activity #16, Skills for Life #17-21.
  2. Chapter 2 Assessment: Economic Systems p. 46-47 Key Terms #1-6, Using Graphic Organizers #7, Reviewing Main Ideas #8-11, Critical Thinking #12-14, Problem-Solving Activity, #15 Skills for Life #16-20.
  3. Chapter 3 Assessment: American p. 72-73 Key Terms #1-7, Using Graphic Organizers #8, Reviewing Main Ideas #9-12, Critical Thinking #13-15, Problem-Solving Activity, #16 Skills for Life #17-19.
  4. Three Current Event Articles related to Economics- Summarize 
  5. Case Study Questions: Safety at Any Cost?p. 19/ Russia in Crisis p.39/ Government and the Interstate High Way System p.71

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Thursday, July 2, 2020, U.S. Government: Day 12

Google meet first hour Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT describe the judicial branch of government
Warm Up 10 minutes: Based off of what you know so far, what does the Supreme Court do?
Lecture 20 minutes: Civil Liberties: First Amendment Freedoms
Lecture 20 minutes: Due Process 
Independent work 
Assessment 30 minutes: Ch. 18 Review p. 482-483 Matching, True or False, Word Relationships, Main Ideas.
Assessment 30 minutes: Ch. 20 Civil Liberties Protecting Individual Freedoms Review p. 542-543 Matching #1-5, True or False #1-6, Word Relationships #1-3, Main Ideas #1-14.
Research 25 minutes: p.764-770 Supreme Court Cases
  1. Pick Three
  2. Summarize their decision
  3. Identify how this changed precedent or maintained precedent.
  4. Find Majority and Minority Opinion
Google meet second hour 
Lecture 20 minutes: Civil Rights: Equal Justice Under Law
Study guide 25 minutes: Students prepare for final
Summarize Learning 10 minutes: Students write about the what they've learned about American Government.
Final 30 minutes: Students take Final

Monday, June 29, 2020

Tuesday, June 29, 2020, U.S. Government: Day 10

First hour google meet
Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT understand
  • the basic role of the judiciary in the governmental process.
  • the structure and function of the constitutional courts in the federal court system.
  • the role of the Supreme Court as the nation's highest court, and the significance of judicial review.
  • the role and jurisdiction of the special courts in the federal court system.
  • the relationship between liberty and government. 
  • the importance of religious freedom in the U.S.
  • the scope and limits on free speech and free press.
  • the relationship between individual liberties and national security.
  • the limits on the freedoms of assembly to petition.
Warm up 10 minutes: The Supreme Court 
Time Line 20 minutes: p. 440-446 Using a time line, identify ten different events in the last 170 years, describe what they are and give the philosophy/ or foreign policy the United States was trying to carryout in each event.
Lecture 20 minutes: Judicial Branch & Civil Liberties: First Amendment Freedoms
Independent Work
Reading 10 minutes: Should School Officials Have the Right to Search Your Property? p.467
Reading 10 minutes: Can Public Schools Ban Political Protests? p. 498
Study Guide 20 minutes: Students have time to prepare for test.
Assessment 30 minutes: Ch. 18 The Federal Court System Review p. 482-483 Matching #1-5, True or False #1-4, Word Relationships #1-3, Main Ideas #1-13
Partners 25 minutes:  Students create and present summaries on different first amendment freedoms.

  1. The Unalienable Rights p. 485-489
  2. Freedom of Religion p. 490-497
  3. Freedom of Speech and the Press p. 499-505 
  4. Freedom of Expression and National Security p. 506-508
  5. Freedom of Assembly and Petition p. 508-511
Second hour of google meet
Lecture 15 minutes: Due Process 
Partners 25 minutes:  Students create and present summaries on different first amendment freedoms.

  1. The Unalienable Rights p. 485-489
  2. Freedom of Religion p. 490-497
  3. Freedom of Speech and the Press p. 499-505 
  4. Freedom of Expression and National Security p. 506-508
  5. Freedom of Assembly and Petition p. 508-511

Quiz 30 minutes: Students take and complete quiz.