Thursday, June 25, 2020

Monday & Wednesday, June 29 & July 1, 2020, U.S. Government

Please complete all work by Thursday, July 2, 2020

Ch. 24 Review p. 660-661 Matching #1-5, True or False #1-5, Word Relationships #1-4, Main Ideas #1-13
Ch. 25 Review p. 684-685 Matching #1-5, True or False #1-5, Word Relationships #1-5, Main Ideas #1-15
Study Guide
  1. Roles of the President
  2. electoral college
  3. presidential primary
  4. platform
  5. executive order
  6. executive agreement
  7. federal budget
  8. amnesty
  9. bureaucracy
  10. independent agencies
  11. spoils system/ patronage
  12. deficit/public debt/entitlement
  13. Isolationism
  14. foreign policy
  15. ambassador
  16. passport
  17. visa
  18. diplomatic immunity
  19. draft
  20. collective security
  21. deterrence
  22. containment
  23. foreign aid
  24. UN Security Council
  25. jurisdiction(exclusive/concurrent/original/appellate)
  26. plaintiff/ defendant
  27. writ of certiorari
  28. majority/dissenting opinion
  29. Due Process/ Establishment/ Free Exercise Clause
  30. libel/slander
  31. Picketing/ espionage/ sabotage/treason/sedition
  32. writ of habeas corpus
  33. indictment
  34. grand jury
  35. double jeopardy
  36. naturalization
  37. segregation
  38. affirmative action
  39. denaturalization/ expatriation
  40. refugee
  41. deportation
  42. initiative/ referendum/reform
  43. pardon/commute/reprieve/parole
  44. taxes (sales/regressive/income/progressive/property/estate)
  45. laws (common/ civil/criminal)
  46. Precedent
  47. Appellate Jurisdiction

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Thursday, June 25, 2020, U.S. Government: Day 8

First hour Google Meet 
Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT understand
  • the historic and ongoing debate over the scope of presidential power.
  • the nature and extent of the executive power of the President.
  • the President's diplomatic and military powers.
  • the President's legislative and judicial powers.
  • the functions of the executive agencies and the role of the cabinet.
  • the need for and growth of the federal bureaucracy.
  • the organization and functions of the executive departments and the independent agencies.
  • the development of federal civil service.
  • How the Federal Government raises money.
  • Borrowing as a source of government revenue
  • How the Federal Government spends money and the complex process o9f preparing the federal budget.
Warm Up 10 minutes: p. 376 #1-2 What Does It Take To Be a Great President?
Current Event Watch 15 minutes: Using the Chart on p. 383. Scan news reports from last week, looking for references to organizations shown on the chart. Highlight or check each organization that is referred to in a news report.
Key Terms 15 minutes: Define and Significance
  1. bureaucracy p.381
  2. bureaucrat p. 381
  3. administration p. 382
  4. independent agencies p. 388
  5. quasi-legislative p. 391
  6. quasi-judicial p. 391
  7. spoils system p. 395
  8. patronage p. 396
  9. registers p. 398
Reading 5 minutes: p. 404-405 Financing the Federal Government
Discussion 10 minutes: p. 415 #1-3 Should the Government Subsidize Private School Education? 
Independent Work
Presentation 25 minutes: Read Section and complete presentation: The Power to Tax p. 405-407, Current Federal Taxes p. 407-411, Taxing for Non-revenue Purposes p. 411, Nontax Revenues p. 412, Borrowing p. 412-413, The Public Debt p. 413-414, Federal Spending p. 416-418, The Federal Budget p. 418-419.
  1. Summarize section on a slide.
  2. Provide a picture on each slide
  3. On the last slide describe what you learned.

Assessment 20 minutes: Ch. 17 Foreign Policy and National Defense Review p. 456-457 Main Ideas #1-17 
Analysis 20 minutes: Find as many federal budgets from 2010-2019. After looking at these charts, identify all areas the Federal Government spends money, where it is spent the most and least, are there things you would change?
Key Terms 20 minutes: Define and Significance p. 424-455
  1. Isolationism
  2. foreign policy
  3. ambassador
  4. passport
  5. visa
  6. diplomatic immunity
  7. draft
  8. collective security
  9. deterrence
  10. containment
  11. foreign aid
  12. UN Security Council
Second Hour Google Meet 
Time Line 20 minutes: p. 440-446 Using a time line, identify ten different events in the last 170 years, describe what they are and give the philosophy/ or foreign policy the United States was trying to carryout in each event.
Unit Test 25 minutes: U.S. Government Summer Midterm

Monday, June 22, 2020

Tuesday, June 23, 2020, U.S. Government: Day 6

First hour google meet 
Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT understand
  • the interrelated roles of the presidency.
  • the process of presidential succession.
  • the roles of primaries, caucuses, and conventions as parts of the nominating process.
  • how the national conventions operate.
  • the presidential campaign and the role of the electoral college.
  • the historic and ongoing debate over the scope of presidential power.
  • the nature and extent of the executive power of the President.
  • the President's diplomatic and military powers.
  • the President's legislative and judicial powers.
  • the functions of executive agencies and the role of the cabinet.
  • the need for and growth of the federal bureaucracy.
  • the organization and functions of the executive departments and the independent agencies.
  • the development of the federal civil service.
Critical Thinking 10 minutes: Please describe the problems with the electoral college and why some people might say it is unfair?
Study Guide Review 20 minutes: Students review study guide with teacher.
Groups 10 minutes: Characteristics of who you would pick to help you run the country.
Reading 5 minutes: p.322 Should the President's Executive Privilege Be Absolute?
Lecture 20 minutes: The Executive Branch.
Independent Work
Assessment 35 minutes: Ch. 13 The Presidency Review p. 350-351 Matching #1-7, True or False #1-5, Word Relationships #1-4, Main Ideas #1-12
Research 20 minutes: Identify all the heads of the President's cabinets and what they do.
Activity 25 minutes: p. 370-372  Please describe what each of the following does in the executive office.

  1. The Office of Management and Budget 
  2. The National Security Council
  3. National Homeland Security Council
  4. Council of Economic Advisers,

Assessment 35 minutes: Ch. 14 The Presidency in Action Review p. 378-379 Matching #1-5, True or False #1-4, World Relationships #1-4, Main Ideas #1-15
Second hour google meet 
Lecture 15 minutes: Cabinet Members, and Executive Office.
Quiz 20 minutes: Students take Summer Government Quiz 
Biography on President 30 minutes: Students create a biography on a president of their choice
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives

Monday and Wednesday, June 22 & 24, 2020, United States Government: Day 5 & 7

All work is to be completed and turned in at the beginning of class on Thursday, June 25, 2020.
  1. Ch. 22 Review: p. 602-603 Matching #1-5, True or False #1-5, Word Relationships #1-4, Main Ideas #1-16
  2. Ch. 23 Review: p. 626-627 Matching #1-5, True or False #1-5, Word Relationships #1-5, Main Ideas #1-12
  3. Study Guide: Define and describe each
    1. Government
    2. Public Policies
    3. state
    4. sovereign and popular sovereignty
    5. federal government
    6. democracy (direct and representative)
    7. Limited Government
    8. Representative Government
    9. Article of the Confederation
    10. bicameral
    11. constitution
    12. Federalist
    13. Anti-Federalist
    14. Connecticut and Three-Fifths Compromise
    15. rule of law
    16. separation of powers
    17. checks and balances
    18. judicial review
    19. federalism
    20. amendment
    21. Bill of Rights
    22. Matching powers (Expressed, Implied, Inherent, Reserved, Exclusive, and Concurrent)
    23. political party
    24. two-party system
    25. consensus
    26. electorate
    27. suffrage
    28. poll tax
    29. gerrymandering
    30. independents
    31. Electoral College
    32. Nomination
    33. general election
    34. caucus
    35. primary
    36. Mandate
    37. public opinion
    38. interest group
    39. sound bite
    40. mass media
    41. lobbying
    42. propaganda
    43. grassroots
    44. Congress
    45. leadership in Congress p. 287
    46. How a Bill becomes a law p.305
    47. constituents
    48. session/term
    49. necessary and proper clause
    50. Powers of Congress
    51. Speaker of the House/ President of the Senate
    52. party caucus
    53. whip
    54. filibuster
    55. cloture
    56. veto
    57. bill
  4. Test to be taken on Thursday during our first google meet hour