Thursday, July 23, 2020

Thursday, July 23, 2020, Economics: Day 24

First hour of google meet 
Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT
  • analyze the locations of resources and evaluate the significance of these locations. 
  • explain the concepts of absolute and comparative advantage and apply the concept of comparative advantage to explain why and how countries trade.
  • analyze the impact of U.S. imports and exports on the United States and its trading partners.
  • describe the effects of trade on employment.
Warm Up 10 minutes: Please create a supply and demand curve identifying where a shortage and surplus may occur because of a price ceiling and price floor.
Stocks 10 minutes: Students buy and sell stocks
Reading 20 minutes: Debating Current Issues:  A Strong Dollar p. 498-499 #1-4
Lecture 20 minutes: Chapter 18 Economic Development and Transition
Independent Work 
Assessment 25 minutes:  Ch. 18.2 #1-9 p. 483
Assessment 25 minutes: Ch. 18.3 #1-7 p. 488
Creating a Budget 30 minutes: Students will create a Budget
  1. Job- based off of current qualifications 
  2. Place to live
  3. Transportation/gas/maintenance 
  4. Food
  5. Insurance- car, rental, and health
  6. cellphone
  7. internet/cable 
  8. clothes
  9. entertainment 
  10. savings 
  11. other
Personal Finance Handbook 40 minutes: Please select three of the following and answer questions: p. 504-531
  • Opening and Managing a Checking Account
  • Saving and Investing 
  • Financial Institutions and Services
  • Credit and Debt 
  • Paying for Education
  • Buying a car 
  • Renting an apartment 
  • Buying Insurance
  • Getting a Job
  • Paying Taxes
Second hour of google meet 
Review 25 minutes: Macroeconomics
  1. Scarcity and the Factors of Production
  2. Opportunity Cost 
  3. Production Possibilities Curve
  4. Durable/Nondurable Goods
  5. Services
  6. tariffs/Imports/Exports 
  7. The Free Market
  8. Benefits of Free Enterprise
  9. Law of Demand/ Law of Supply
  10. Equilibrium Price
  11. Perfect Competition 
  12. Business Organizations
  13. Different types of Labor/ Unemployment 
  14. Stock Market 
  15. GDP
  16. Business Cycle 
  17. Inflation/Stagflation/hyperinflation 
  18. What are taxes 
  19. Fiscal Policy 
  20. Federal Reserve System and ways it regulates money supply and the economy 
  21. law of comparative advantage 
  22. Free Trade
  23. Exchange Rate
  24. Macro/Micro Economics 
Final 30 minutes: Students take and finish final
Teacher Evaluation 15 minutes:  Students evaluate teacher: survey

Monday, July 20, 2020

Tuesday, July 21, 2020, Economics: Day 22

First hour of google meet 
Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT
  • describe the federal budget.
  • analyze fiscal policy.
  • present on the federal reserve.
  • analyze the stock market.
Stock Market Project 25 minutes: Students have time buy/trade stock.
Debating Current Issues 15 minutes: Tax Credit p. 412-413 #1-4
Research 20 minutes:  Federal and State Spending
  1. Find State and Federal Spending for the past ten years. 
  2. Please note what areas each spends on Mandatory and Discretionary Spending
  3. What areas did you see change the most? What reasons might contribute to this change?
  4. Anything surprise you about the charts?
Lecture 20 minutes:  Ch. 16 The Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy
Independent Work
Poem 25 minutes:  Fiscal Policy in American History p. 400-401
  1. Based of of these three sections- World War II, The Kennedy Administration, Supply-Side Policies in the 1980s- create, write, and perform a song or poem 
Presentations 30 minutes:  Student create and present topics (Description and significance)
  • Regulating the Banking System
  • Regulating the Money Supply
  • Money Creation 
  • Reserve Requirements 
  • Discount Rate
  • Open Market Operations 
  • How Monetary Policy Works 
  • The Problem of Timing 
  • Policy Lags 
Assessment 25 minutes: Ch. 18.1 #1-5
Second hour google meet 
Sharing 15 minutes: Presentations 
Study Guide 25 minutes:  Students have time to review study guide
Test 30 minutes: MidTerm #2
Closing 5 minutes:  Review Objectives