Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Thursday, June 18, 2020, U.S. Government: Day 3

First hour google meet 
Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT understand
  • the history of voting rights in the United States.
  • the diversity of voter qualifications among the States.
  • the necessity for and effects of civil rights laws on suffrage.
  • voter turnout and nonvoting in American elections.
  • the factors that affect the way people vote
  • the methods by which candidates are nominated to run for public office.
  • the conduct of elections in the United States.
  • the place of money and regulation of its use in the electoral process
  • public opinion and its role in American politics.
  • the means by which opinions are expressed and measured.
  • the impact of the mass media on politics
  • the nature of interest groups and their role in politics.
  • the several types of interest groups.
  • the means used by interests groups to influence publi8c opinion and public policy.
Warm up 10 minutes: Review answers to Ch. 5 #10-16
Define 20 minutes:
  1. suffrage
  2. electorate
  3. poll tax
  4. gerrymandering
  5. political socialization
  6. party identification
  7. straight ticket voting 
  8. split ticket voting 
  9. independents
Independent Work 
Research 30 minutes: Using the internet, research how voting rights have been expanded and limited since the founding of the United States.
  1. Create a time line showing at least 10 dates of significance regarding voting rights
    Chapter 7 Review 35 minutes: p.182-183 Matching, True/False, Word Relationships, Main Ideas
    Define 15 minutes:
    1. public opinion
    2. mandate
    3. interest group
    4. public opinion poll
    5. straw vote
    6. mass media
    7. sound bite
    Second hour google meet 
    Reading 20 minutes: p. 184-187 What is public opinion?  p. 206 The Value of the Free Press
    Lecture 20 minutes: Electoral Process
    Movie 90 minutes: Anytown, U.S.A.
    1. Identify five different reasons voters said they would vote for a particular candidate.
    2. Identify three things you did not know about the campaigning process.
    3. Identify five ways people participate in their local election.

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