Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Wednesday, June 17, 2020, U.S. Government: Day 2

First hour Google Meet 
Into 5 minutes: Objectives, Standards, Attendance, Agenda, and Pledge of Allegiance.
Objectives: SWBAT
  • identify and describe ideas about the government and what its responsibilities are to its citizens.
  • describe an American citizen's responsibility to the government. 
  • understand nature and functions of parties in American politics.
  • understand the reasons for the existence of the American two-party system
  • analyze the structure and composition of the two major parties.
  • describe history of voting rights in America.
  • identify factors that effect the way people vote.
  • describe the methods candidate run for office.
  • describe money in politics. 
Warm Up 10 minutes: What's in a name? Write down three things you learned yesterday or come up with questions about yesterday's lesson.
Create/Share 20 minutes: Bill of Rights 736-738
  1. Summarize each amendment
  2. Rank from 1 to 10 which Rights you think are the most important.
  3. Students make their own Bill of Rights.
Lecture 20 minutes: Federalism
Independent work
Chapter 4 Review 35 minutes: p.94-95 Matching, and Main Ideas
Project 35: Planing a Nation. Provide Rationale
  1. Name
  2. Flag
  3. Economic System
  4. Government
  5. Laws x10
Chapter 5 Review 35 minutes: p.126-127  Matching, True/False, Word Relationships, Main Ideas
Political Party Quiz 25 minutes: isidewith
  1. Which political party or candidate do you side with the most? least?
  2. How do you feel about your results? Expected? Surprising? Explain.
  3. How do you results compare to others? 
Second hour Google Meet 
Review Independent Work 20 minutes: Teacher reviews work with students
Analysis 20 minutes: Republican Platform and Democratic Platform
  1. Based on platforms, identify five public policy issues each party seems to be focused 
  2. Are there any similarities or differences between the two platforms? If so, what are they?
Reading 10 minutes: p. 152 The Dangers of Voter Apathy p. 1-2
Define 20 minutes:
  1. suffrage
  2. electorate
  3. poll tax
  4. gerrymandering
  5. political socialization
  6. party identification
  7. straight ticket voting 
  8. split ticket voting 
  9. independents

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