First hour of Google Meet
Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT
Review 15 minutes: Students review Ch.1 of their homework with the instructor.
Graphing 15 minutes: Guns or butter (students copy in notes), Production Possibilities Curve (students make their own)p. 15. Trade-Offs (students come up with three examples of trade-offs)p.8
Review 15 minutes: Students review Ch.2 of their homework with the instructor.
Independent Work
Simulation 30 minutes: Students will design an economic system. p. 48-49 #1-4
Key Terms 20 minutes: Please put the following into your own words p. 79-88
Activity 20 minutes: Students create a demand schedule. Using the demand schedule, students will create a demand curve. Identify three examples of a shift in the demand curve and reasons for the shift.
Cost of Production 15 minutes: Students do cost of production simulation. p. 109
Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT
- explain the law of demand.
- understand how the substitution effect and the income effect influence decisions.
- create a demand schedule for an individual and a market.
- interpret a demand graph using demand schedules.
- create and interpret supply schedule and curve.
- indentify the cost of production.
Review 15 minutes: Students review Ch.1 of their homework with the instructor.
Graphing 15 minutes: Guns or butter (students copy in notes), Production Possibilities Curve (students make their own)p. 15. Trade-Offs (students come up with three examples of trade-offs)p.8
Review 15 minutes: Students review Ch.2 of their homework with the instructor.
Independent Work
Simulation 30 minutes: Students will design an economic system. p. 48-49 #1-4
Key Terms 20 minutes: Please put the following into your own words p. 79-88
- demand
- law of demand
- substitution effect
- income effect
- demand schedule
- market demand schedule
- demand curve.
Key Terms 10 minutes: Define: Normal Good, Inferior Good, Complements, Substitutes p.86-88
- Define
- Come up with three examples for each.
Assessment 25 minutes: Ch. 4.3 p. 96 #1-7
Simulation 30 minutes: Entrepreneur Project
- Type of Business
- Good or Service
- Land/ Labor/ Capital
Key Terms 20 minutes: Please put the following into your own words p. 101-107
- Supply
- law of supply
- quantity supplied
- supply schedule
- variable
- market supply schedule
- supply curve
- market supply curve
- elasticity supply
Second hour Google Meet
Lecture 20 minutes: Shifts of the Demand Curve
Cost of Production 15 minutes: Students do cost of production simulation. p. 109
Lecture 20 minutes: Shifts of the Supply Curve
Activity 20 minutes: Students create a supply schedule and curve. Identify three examples of a shift in the demand curve and reasons for the shift.
Stock Market Project
Stock Market Project
Closing 5 minutes: Survey
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