Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Thursday, July 16, 2020, Economics: Day 20

First hour of Google Meet 
Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and attendance
Objectives: SWBAT
  • describe Gross Domestic Product
  • analyze Economic Challenges
  • describe taxes and government spending
Warm Up 15 minutes: Students share work on the history of Banking in the U.S. trade and buy stock

Lecture 20 minutes: 

  1. Goods/Services, GDP, Aggregate Demand and Supply, Business Cycle
  2.  Ch. 14 Taxes and Government Spending
  3. Macroeconomic Equilibrium 

Key Terms 10 minutes: p. 310-316 Define and significance
  1. Recession
  2. Depression
  3. stagflation 
  4. leading indicators
Graphing 20 minutes:  Students graph their own business cycle, and Aggregate Supply and Demand. Students identify three durable and nondurable goods and three services. 
Independent Work 
Assessment 25 minutes: Chapter 12.3 p. 324 #1-6
Activity 25 minutes: Business Plan

  • How much money will you need to start your business?
  • How many workers? What will be the responsibilities of each? 
  • How much production do you expect from each new worker added? 
  • How will you be able to determine how to price your good or service? 
  • How much will your fixed/variable costs be?
  • How many goods or services will you have to sell a month to make it a profit?

Key Terms 20 minutes: Define and Significance
  1. Inflation
  2. purchasing power
  3. price index
  4. Consumer Price Index
  5. market basket
  6. inflation rate
  7. hyperinflation
  8. wage-price spiral
  9. fixed income
  10. deflation
Assessment 20 minutes: Ch. 13.3 Poverty p. 350 #1-7
Assessment 30 minutes: Ch. 14 Taxes and Government Spending #1-21 p. 382-383
Second hour of Google Meet 
4 Square Activity 25 minutes: Describe, Significance, Draw p. 331-333
  1. Frictional Unemployment
  2. Seasonal Unemployment
  3. Structural Unemployment
  4. Cyclical Unemployment
Case Study 10 minutes: Unemployment in a Booming Economy p. 351
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives

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